Which suit model is suitable for a slim tie?

slim tie

Which suit model is suitable for a slim tie?

Using a slim tie began in the 1960s, and quickly became one of the daily and even formal style trends. This type of tie gives you a unique and stylish style, and it matches almost all clothing items, from jeans to suits. In the following, you will learn when you should wear a skinny tie and tips to coordinate it better.


What is slim tie?

The width of normal ties is about 9 cm. The widest part of the tie (which is usually near the bottom) is called the width of the tie. The width of the slim tie is about 6 to 7.5 cm. Ties with a width of less than 6 cm are called very slim.

Fitting slim tie and other clothes

Your shirt and suit should be balanced with your slim tie. A slim tie should be worn with a slim suit with a slim collar and a shirt with a slim collar. In fact, the slimness of the tie should be in harmony with the rest of your shirt and suit. Since the slim tie is more fashionable and casual than wide ties, it can be used with an informal shirt, for example, an oxford shirt. You don’t need to use a special accessory with this tie, just pair it with a simple tie claps narrower than the width of the tie. For a casual look, wear your tie with a sports vest.

Fitting slim tie to the body

First, consider what kind of suit fits your body. If a slim suit looks good on your body, then using a wide tie can also be suitable for you. But if your height and body are such that a loose suit is more suitable for you, it might be better to think about regular wide ties.

Fitting slim tie with situation

A slim tie is considered a comfortable and up-to-date item in the fashion world; so maybe it’s better to test the conditions a little while using it. For example, if you want to go to a business meeting with a lively and creative atmosphere (for example, a joint business meeting at a startup weekend), you can easily use a slim tie. But if your meeting is a little more formal (for example, a board meeting of a legal consulting firm), you might want to think again about using it.

Tying a slim tie

Almost all knots can be used for slim ties. So just follow the normal steps of tying a tie on it. Note that due to the narrow structure of this tie, the final knot will be more delicate. So those methods of tying a tie that have many knots, such as the two-knot and three-knot model, will look good with a narrow tie. You can also easily tie special knots on your slim tie. Next, how to tie a narrow tie with a simple knot is explained to you.

  • Prepare the tie: Wrap your tie around your neck so that the wide side is one third lower than the narrow side.
  • Cross over each other; Cross the two sides of the tie. Cross the wide side over the narrow side
  • Take it to the back: take the wide side of the tie behind the narrow side.
  • Pass over each other: Bring the wide side in front of the narrow side once more and cross over.
  • Pass the wide side of the tie through the front loop: With your forefinger and thumb, gently hold the front of the tie and pass the wide side through the loop.
  • Knot and tighten: Pull the wide side down through the front knot. When it is completely passed, carefully tighten the knot. Then gently press the bottom of the knot and push it towards the collar of your shirt to complete the knot.

Which suit model is suitable for a narrow tie?

Slim ties go best with suits that have a slim collar. It is also better to wear men’s slim ties with one or two button suits and single-breasted jackets. The best type of suit with this type of tie is European cut suits.

Which model of men’s shirt is suitable for a narrow tie?

Do not wear a wide collar shirt with your slim tie. It is better to wear this tie model with narrow or medium collar shirts. Also, shirts with buttoned collars are not very suitable to be worn with men’s narrow ties.

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