What are the criteria for identifying a suitable men’s tie?

What are the criteria for identifying a suitable men’s tie?

It may seem that the presence or absence of a tie does not have much effect on the beauty and elegance of the appearance, and few of these accessories are found in men’s clothing, but the tie is very effective in organizing the appearance of people. Due to the high acceptance of men to buy this accessory, various brands and manufacturers have designed and produced various types of suitable men’s ties in various designs and colors. To choose the right tie when buying, you should always pay attention to the following points.

The first and most important criteria for identifying a suitable men’s tie is its size

It is considered necessary to match the tie with the shirt used and the size of the person, and it is enough to consider some small things to create this harmony. For example, the width of your tie and the collar of your shirt or jacket should match. The best width for ties is about 5 to 10 cm.

Another important point for choosing a suitable men’s tie, according to obesity or thinness, is that you should choose wide ties for fat people and narrow ties for relatively thin people. If you are a tall person, long ties are a worthy choice for your appearance. Short people don’t have to worry, because they can keep their height fit by choosing a relatively short tie. Generally, the length of the tie should be close to the belt buckle.

The small stitching on the behind of the tie is very effective in its beauty

If you look carefully, you can see a small stitch behind all the ties in addition to the general sewing line. These stitches are made on both the narrow side and the wide side of the tie. The main use of these stitches is to keep the tie in place and maintaining the appearance of the tie. As a result, it is better to pay attention to the strength of these stitches when buying.

Identification of textiles used in tie sewing

Men’s ties, like all clothes, may have various items. In this regard, by identifying the material of each fabric and their appearance, you can buy the best type of suitable men’s tie for a more beautiful appearance. It may be a silk tie. The important features of this type include softness, high beauty, durability, beautiful shape and appearance, no absorption of environmental pollution, no wrinkles in this type of fabric, etc. Another type of fabric that is very similar to silk in terms of characteristics is satin fabric.

The purchased tie may be made of polyester or microfiber, this type is also economical in terms of price. The most suitable men’s tie in terms of price and material is microfiber, which looks similar to artificial silk, but its price is lower than that, and it is easy to tie because of its softness.

When buying a men’s tie, you must choose the right color.

Each color may be paired with certain colors and colors have different meanings, choosing the right color for a tie is very important. In this part of the article, we will help you make a better choice by introducing some colors.

  • Red color: they are Available in light and dark. Generally, the ability to match this color with different types of shirts and jackets has made it popular among men. The best colors that are more beautiful with bright red include all dark colors, white, gray, or blue.
  • Blue color: If you are looking for buying a suitable men’s tie that can be used anywhere, a blue tie is the best choice. The color range of blue varies from light to dark and can be matched with various patterns.
  • Bright colors like purple, pink, or orange: If you like to wear bright shirts, you can use these colors of ties to match your bright-colored shirts. Bright colors are usually more useful for celebrations.
  • Yellow and green coloring: these two colors are worn in warm seasons with dark clothes. It is easy to match green colors with classic white clothes.
  • White and brown colors: this color is compatible only with certain colors, be careful not to use this color during important job interviews. If the color variations of your suits are not high, avoid white and brown ties.
  • Black ties: It is mostly used in restaurants and funeral ceremonies.
  • Gray and silver colors: If you are the type of person who usually wears a white shirt, you need a gray or silver tie.


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