How do you dress with a bow tie?

How do you dress with a bow tie?

Men’s Bow Ties Guide :

A bow tie is a kind of men’s neckerchief that is tied symmetrically around the shirt collar in the form of a butterfly. The bow tie does not need many definitions and although it is less used than the tie, we are all familiar with them. Although the use of bow ties in formal parties, such as wedding ceremonies, is more than its informal styles, but you should consider that the use of bow ties is not only limited to formal sets and styles.


Men's Bow Ties Guide

Men’s Bow Ties Guide

What is the history behind bow ties?

The story of the bow tie goes back to the 17th century. When French soldiers tied a cloth in the form of a bow tie around their neck. Of course, this is the only origin of this attractive accessory. Because it’s widespread and official arena in the world of fashion took place in the 19th century.

With the progress of the fashion world, today bow ties and ties are produced in wider models and specific and different styles and models are defined for it. This problem has caused more care to be taken to choose the model and design of the bow tie.

Men’s Bow Ties Guide 

The most common, most used, and most classic bow tie is the butterfly model. As a result, if the amount of classic and formal is very important to you, these models should be your first choice. Of course, accept a note from us: if your body is too thin, don’t choose these models and there are better choices for you. Batwing bow ties are more suitable for thin people. This model is less wide than butterfly models. If used properly, the batwing bow tie can create a beautiful fantasy style.

Round and diamond bows are used less than in the previous two models. Anyway, as their name suggests, the diamond models have sharp and rhombus-shaped end wings, while the rounded bows have round and semi-circular wings.

Different types of bow ties 

Bow ties have four widely used types, of course, we recommend not limiting yourself to these categories, and we even say that you should ignore them. What you need to consider are the important points in the direction of making a professional set and style with a bow tie that we mention.

Consider that the 4 most popular types of bow ties include butterfly bow ties, diamond models, batwing bow ties, and finally round bow ties.

What is the best material for a bow tie?

Bow ties can be made of a different materials. Their most common materials are cotton, polyester and silk. Obviously, among the three, polyester is the cheapest and silk is the most expensive.

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Men's Bow Ties Guide

When to Wear a Bow

1- When you host an event or a party: The key and main rule of bow tie; Wearing a shirt with a long collar is to tie a bow tie. You just need to pay attention to the different components of your style and match them properly to make your style attractive.

2- When you go to a café or cinema: You can combine the bow tie with a simple shirt and jeans. To tie a patterned bow tie, choose a simple shirt, and to use a colored bow tie, definitely choose a simple top and bottom.

Can I wear a bow tie with just a shirt?

No! Please pay attention to this part using a bow tie on a men’s shirt alone is a very dangerous practice! Why? For some reasons:

The first reason is that teenagers usually do not go for coats, which of course is better. For them, the coat is a kind of excess and it is even better than at that age they should deal with their inner emotions and childhood. The second reason is related to the expectations that bow ties create for formal style. Stylists always say to wear only a shirt and pants for a party, or if you are wearing a tie and bow tie, consider a coat as well. Why?

Men's Bow Ties Guide

Men’s Bow Ties Guide


Because using bow ties and ties usually increases the expectation of wearing a coat. In other words, the bow tie makes the appearance formal, but the coat internally insinuates formality.

If you have noticed, usually waiters and waitresses wear bow ties to be formal, but because wearing a coat causes limitations in their work, they only use bow ties. You never want to look like a waiter at an important wedding.

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