How to make a 4 loop bow with wired ribbon

Bow tie

How to make a 4 loop bow with wired ribbon

Bow tie

One of the best things that tailors can do with their clothes is using ribbons. This is not very difficult and you can make some ribbons at home and use it to decorate clothes, especially children’s clothes. There are several ways to make a bow tie. The result of each of these methods will be a different model of bow tie. In the following, we will teach you How to make a 4 loop bow with ribbon in an easy and beautiful way.

Read more: Persian (Iranian) Neckties

Method 1

Equipment needed

– Ribbon in several favorite colors

-Sewing thread


-A little taste with patience

First we cut the ribbons in different sizes. Doing so we have bow ties in different sizes.

In the second step, we glue the colored ribbons together from the two edges.

Now at this stage, we connect the ribbon head with helping of thread.

In the fourth step, we put the ribbons that we have made separately on top of each other.

In the last step, we tie them together using a wide ribbon. Now we have a beautiful bow in three different colors.

Method 2:

The tools you need to make a bow tie

-Thermal adhesive

-Ribbon in several favorite colors

-Sewing thread


– Metal wire

Loop the ribbons to make a bow tie: In the first step, you have to loop the ribbons or strips of 20 and 25 cm fabric. Then put the edges of each strip on top of each other and past them with tape.

Paste the loops together to make a bow: Fold the loops that you have prepared for making the bow tie by pasting the strips in the middle. So that the smaller loop is on the middle point of the larger loop. Tie the center of the loops together with a piece of flexible metal wire. Tighten the wire slightly around the ribbon loops to create gentle creases on the edges of the ribbon. Also leave a few inches of metal wire free at the end.

Prepare the tail of the bow tie: At this stage of making the bow tie, you should prepare a 30 cm strip for the bow tie tail. Mark the middle of this strip. Using a piece of wire, tie the middle of the 30 cm strip. As in the previous step, release the wire a few inches and tighten it.

Paste the loops and the tail of the bow tie together: paste the two prepared pieces of bow tie together. Doing so, tie the free wires of the two ends of the bow tie together. Then place the middle of the loops on top of the bow tie and paste it. In this way, the two pieces of bow tie will be held tightly together.

Arrange the appearance of the bow: Cover the center of the bow (the connection between the glue and the wires) with a piece of tape and wrap the end behind the bow. For doing so, you can act on your taste and use a strip of a different color. Align the two ends of the ribbon tail. Cut the ends of the tails into a v shape to make them look more beautiful.

You learned how to make a bow tie in these 5 simple steps. You can make colorful bow ties with extra pieces of fabric or ribbons. In this case, you will not need to go to gift shops to decorate your gifts.

Method 3:

The tools you need to make a bow tie

-Ribbon in several favorite colors

-Sewing thread



– First, pass a ribbon through the middle groove of the fork. Then pass another ribbon like a mat between the cog jags of the fork.

-Again, pass the ribbon like the mat in the same way and doing so 5 or 6 times.

– Bring a ribbon head that you passed through the middle of the fork at the beginning of the work from the top of the straw ribbon and tie it on it.

– Take the ribbons out of the fork and spread them a little.

Method 4:

-First, cut a ribbon and a lace strip and place them crosswise on top of each other.

– Bring the two sides of the layer below on the second layer

– Then bring both sides of the second layer on it.

– Now sew these 4 layers together.

– Pull the thread and gather the bow tie and tie the thread.

– Wrap a ribbon around the bow and tie it.

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