All you need to know about men’s bow ties on Christmas Day

All you need to know about men’s bow ties on Christmas Day

buying ties for Christmas: Men always use a tie or a variety of men’s bow ties in formal events such as weddings, friendly parties, Christmas, or graduation parties to have the right prestige. Bow ties are synonymous with fashion and elegance and will be a surefire way to be attractive in certain situations. However, simply tying a bow tie doesn’t immediately make you a handsome man. But if you follow a few rules, this accessory will make you more attractive on Christmas Day.

The bow tie has a lot of variety in shape, color, material, and pattern in the market, which according to these items has two styles, formal and simple. This accessory is one of the accessories that can be worn at any age and in all important moments of life. Due to its small size and because it is placed under the face, it has drawn attention and this will increase the necessity of choosing the right one.

buying ties for Christmas

buying ties for Christmas

Bow Ties Styles: Different Types & Shapes 

There are different types of men’s bow ties, some of which are mentioned below.

1-pre-tied bow tie: This example is one of the most user-friendly and best-selling items in the market, which can be easily closed around the neck due to the lock or button placed behind it. The symmetry of the two sides of the bow tie and its uniform appearance shows that the accessory is ready. The price of this model is lower than other models.

Read More: Tips for choosing a perfect tie every time

2- The Clip-On Bow Ties or bow tie without knot: Knotting and adjusting both sides of the bow should be done by the person himself; this model of bow tie also has a clip lock to be closed around the shirt collar. One of the main advantages of this accessory is the ability to change its size.

3-The Self-Tie Bow Ties: If you are one of the men who are always in a hurry or it is difficult for you to tie a bow tie, this example is the best option for you.

Important tips for buying men’s bow ties at Christmas 

-The right type: the first point for the right purchase is to choose an example among the variety of market models that will meet your needs correctly.

-Bow tie size: The right size for your figure and dress has its prestige. One of the rules of the fashion world concerning this matter is its fit with the width of your face so that it can create the right harmony.

-Material of accessories: Pay attention to the material of the product. Today’s bow ties are made of all kinds of silk, cotton, leather, polyester, satin, etc., depending on the specific needs and environment in which you want to use them.

buying ties for Christmas

buying ties for Christmas

-The right color: You should also pay attention to the color when buying this accessory at Christmas. The right match between the color of the shirt and the bow tie has a direct effect on your style.

-Beautiful design and role: The important thing about buying patterned bow ties is the need to use them with a simple shirt.

-Suitable shape: you should choose from a variety of shapes in the market according to your taste as well as the charms of your type and personal style. Different shapes of bow ties include bat, butterfly, pointed, round edge, asymmetrical, etc.

-The type of closure on the neck: all types of this accessory have locks, clips, as well as buckles for easy closure, which plays a role in buying it.

-Reasonable price: The price of men’s bow ties is reasonable and you can safely choose the best one from among the different types while paying attention to your needs.

For you: Types of ties for weddings

Which shirt with a bow tie on Christmas Day?

Generally, a men’s formal shirt is one of the most suitable clothes to accompany this accessory, although a casual shirt can also be used. Regarding shirt collars, you should also be careful that the accessory match easily. French collars, wing collars, and simple collars have a special balance and beauty with bow ties, which give a better look to your style on Christmas Day.

The difference between bow ties and ties is that they are used only for formal events and weddings, and you can have the best style for yourself by following the above.

Buy different types of the bow ties …..

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